excellence in adult education

Becoming an Expert Learner with UDL

Overview of Both Lessons




  • Describe the qualities of an expert learner
  • Define learner variability and provide examples
  • Identify ways in which learning is customized to reach all learners
  • Lesson objectives are displayed visually in a place that all learners can access and are also provided orally (as per Lesson notes).
  • Learners are given choices throughout the lesson (e.g., writing, speaking, or illustrating; working alone or in a group).
  • Learners are asked to reflect on the lesson content and its importance in their lives.
  • Learners are assigned roles in their groups to assist with effective collaboration.

Keywords: vary, variability, perception, recruit, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), access, express, internalize, expert learner, accommodation, advocate, advocacy, effectively, excel, incorporate

Lessson Plan 1

Lesson Plan

CAST Qualities of Expert Learners Image

UDL Chart - simplified

UDL for All Learners

UDL Vocabulary

Understanding Learner Variability - How it Impacts Our Learning Journey

Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan

Sentence Frames for Advocating Accommodations and Learning Preferences

Sentence Frames Worksheet

What is the difference between accommodation and modification for a student with a disability