excellence in adult education

Email the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center (SIPDC) at sipdctrainer@gmail.com for more information.


“The core advantage of data is that it tells you something about the world that you didn’t know before.”

~ Hilary Mason, data scientist and founder of Fast Forward Labs

Get your questions answered!

Click below for a living FAQ to address questions that have come up during the Data VLC. The link will open a Google Doc. You can save the document to your Google Drive for quick access by clicking File --> Add shortcut to Drive.

Data FAQ

Ad Hoc Recipe Book
Full of recipes for you favorite ad hoc reports!

The Ad Hoc Recipe Book includes instructions on pulling ad hoc reports that programs around the state have recommended. Each recipe includes instructions, a sample report, and notes on how different programs have used the report.

View the Ad Hoc Recipe Book

Adult Education (Title II) WIOA Data Outcomes Dashboard
Explore the ICCB Data Dashboard!

Acces the ICCB Adult Education (Title II) WIOA Data Outcomes Dashboard using the link below.

Visit Data Dashboard

Illuminating Post-Test Patterns
June 6, 2024

For a list of frequenty asked questions with answers from ICCB, please visit the Data VLC FAQ.

Data-Driven Post-Testing Strategies
May 2, 2024


For a list of frequenty asked questions with answers from ICCB, please visit the Data VLC FAQ.

No Shows? No Problem!
April 4, 2024


Mariya's Magic Spreadsheet


Congratulations, Mariya! You are Illinois's FIRST Adult Education Data Master!

Data Visualization: Spreadsheet Functions
February 1, 2024

For the handouts about particular spreadsheet functions, please view the data modules in the Data Proficient and Data Specialist Trainings on iLEARN


Ad Hoc Report Conversation
January 4, 2024



Data Work is Teamwork
October 5, 2023
Effective Student Orientations
September 7, 2023
Data Pathway Launch
August 3, 2023

Data Galore in FY24
July 6, 2023
Barriers to Employment
June 1, 2023
From Intake to Analysis: How Programs Collect & Use Data
May 4, 2023

Data Pathway Overview
April 6, 2023

Q & A with Dr. Kathy Olesen-Tracey
March 2, 2023

NRS Institute Recap
February 2, 2023