excellence in adult education

The Assessment Hub


The purpose of the Illinois Assessment Hub is to support programs with remote test capacity and test scheduling needs of students in order to assist in achieving increased measurable skill gains in the state of Illinois.

ICCB funded programs can request the Illinois Assessment Hub post-test eligible students remotely and at no cost. Assessment Hub test appointments are available in the evenings and on Saturday.




The Assessment Hub Process

  • Local program sends a testing request to The Hub and informs the student they are being referred to the Assessment Hub to test remotely.

  • The Hub contacts the student to schedule a remote testing appointment with email and texts.
  • The Hub sends multiple reminders to the student of the testing appointment
  • Trained proctors administer the test to the student
  • The Hub sends test results to the program for entry into DAISI and DRC Insight or CASAS TopsPro Enterprise 
  • If a student doesn’t respond to Hub communications or doesn’t have the necessary technology for remote testing, the student will be referred back to the program for testing.


Eligible Students

  • All levels of ABE/ASE students and ESL students NRS level 4 and higher are eligible to be referred to the Assessment Hub. The Assessment Hub tests with:

    • TABE 11/12 (Reading & Math)
    • CASAS GOALS (Reading and Math 2)
    • CASAS STEPS Reading 
    • CASAS STEPS Listening
  • Students need to have previously tested with a computer-based test to be eligible for this service.
  • Students with a minimum of 40 attendance hours.

Program Responsibilities

By making a referral to The Assessment Hub, your adult education program agrees to do the following: 

  • Identify one staff member to make referrals to the Assessment Hub. This person should have access to DAISI, knowledge of testing processes, and availability to serve as the point of contact for the Hub.
  • Refer ESL students at NRS Levels 4 and above only. ABE/ASE students at all levels can be referred.
  • Ensure that the student referred was pre-tested with the computer-based eTest (paper-based pre-tests are not permitted).
  • Track attendance hours and only refer students who have the minimum number of attendance hours.
  • Complete the online request form providing the required student and test information.
  • Ensure the student to be tested has the appropriate technology to test remotely
    • CASAS – computer running Windows 10, Chromebook, or iPad with internet access and a bandwidth of at least 2 megabits per second (Mbps) download speed. 
    • TABE – computer or Chromebook running Google Chrome browser with internet access and a bandwidth of at least 10 megabits per second (Mbps) download speed.
  • Inform students of the testing referral to the Hub.

Submit Test Request

Please submit questions to Brandon John at ilpdn@wiu.edu.