excellence in adult education

ICAPS Virtual Learning Community


Illinois ICAPS/IET Learning Community sessions provide programs the opportunity to share information, ask questions, and learn from one another. All ICCB IET grant recipients are required to be a part of the ICAPS group. Learning communities are for participants to learn from each other and both AE and CTE/training partners should attend.


ICAPS Virtual Learning Communities take place on the second Thursday of each month at 2 PM. For access to ICAPS VLC or if you have any questions, please reach out to Sarah Goldammer at sgoldam@siue.edu or Tara Schwab at tarschw@siue.edu. 


FY24 ICAPS Learning Community Topics:

January 11 – ICAPS Credential Attainment Strategies
February 8 – Black Hawk College ICAPS Recruitment
March 5 – Transitions Academy update at IACEA
April 11 – Applications and Reflections from IET Design Camp
May 9 – ICAPS Marketing for Partners


ICAPS VLC Registration


Watch past ICAPS/IET Learning Community Meetings here:

Get your questions answered!

Click below for a living FAQ to address questions that have come up during the ICAPS VLC. The link will open a Google Doc. You can save the document to your Google Drive for quick access by clicking File --> Add shortcut to Drive.


New Resource Available!

Click below for a handout that details how to correctly enter ICAPS and bridge data in DAISI.

ICAPS/Bridge DAISI Cheat Sheet

Bridge & ICAPS Fair and Marketing for Programs
May 2024
Let's hear from our Advance IET participants!
April 2024
Black Hawk College ICAPS Recruitment
February 2024

Hear from Renee Gillis-Arnold, Paul Morris, and Ann Young (Black Hawk College) as they share how they recruit students for ICAPS.

Download Slides


Updates from the Field
May 2023

Hear from Angela Gerberding from ICCB, Ann Young (Black Hawk College), Margaret Segersten (ROE #33), Sara Escatel and Carrie Danekas (Illinois Valley Community College) as they share updates from their organizations.


ICAPS Partnerships
April 2023

Join Dr. Margaret Segersten from ROE #33 and her training partner, Kang Hee Hong of Carl Sandburg College to hear about their ICAPS partnership. Also featured are Robert Jaimes, automotive tech professor and Christine DeBush, Director of Transitions And Special Programs, both form Triton College, sharing their ICAPS.

February 2023

Join Angela Gerberding of ICCB and Brittany Boston of ICSPS as they share grant writing tips. See specific examples of quality grant submissions.

Illinois' Refugee Support
January 2023

This conversation led by Britt Garton Pisto, Illinois Community College Board's Director of Integrated English and Civics Education, focuses on Illinois' refugee support.

February 2022

Meeting on Service Integration
January 2022

City Colleges of Chicago & Joliet Junior College
May 2021

To watch the May 13 meeting, click here to link to the ICAPS Website.

College of Lake County ICAPS
March 2021

Integrated Service Delivery
February 2021