excellence in adult education

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Adult Education Department – Illinois Community College Board



Adult Education Professional Development Network

The Professional Development Network (PDN) is comprised of three special projects conducted under the provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy, and is administered through the Illinois Community College Board. Federal funds provide 100% support.


The PDN delivers professional development to community colleges, public school adult education programs, community based organizations, ESL, literacy programs, Regional Offices of Education, Department of Corrections education programs, and other entities related to adult education.


The PDN provides expert professional development for adult and family educators, utilizing content expertise and current research to deliver high quality services to individuals, programs, and state networks. Its goal is to support and enhance the effectiveness of those serving adult learners.



Meet the PDN



Web-based test preparation curricula used to prepare students for a high-school equivalency exams, including GED®, TASC™, or HiSET®.


User/Technical Support:  (866) 250-5494