excellence in adult education
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In this two-part training, participants will learn to:

  • Identify and select CASAS tests
  • Administer CASAS tests correctly to ensure validity and to maximize measurable skill gains
  • Interpret test results
  • Receive Illinois-specific information about CASAS

Persons who complete CASAS Implementation Training are authorized to order and use paper CASAS  appraisals and pre/post-tests. Illinois programs new to eTesting or remote testing have additional training requirements that will be explained in Part 2 of the Implementation Training. 

Target Audience  

  • All who administer the CASAS GOALS Reading or Math assessments (for ABE/ASE) or the CASAS Life and Work Reading assessment (for ESL).
  • Those who have taken CASAS training in the past are encouraged to attend as a refresher.


Pre-registration is required. Click HERE for more information. 

Registration closes on November 30, 2023.